Sunday, June 30, 2013

Summer's Fresh Bounty: Berry Almond Chicken Salad

I LOVE Wendy's Berry Almond Salad. I can't say I like the price, but it sure tastes good.

Summer Starts with Berries

I had a taste for one yesterday and decided to make one of my own instead of going out to buy four for our lunch. I used all spinach because I didn't have any spring mix on hand, which I like as a base for my salads. Our younger kids aren't too fond of blueberries, so I got some fresh blackberries to use along with a ton of strawberries. I didn't put any cheese on the salad, and I opted to omit the iceberg lettuce that can be found hiding out at the bottom of Wendy's salads. Fred grilled us some chicken breasts, and the final result was absolutely delicious and filling!

Our dressing, Marzetti Simply Dressed Pomegranate Vinaigrette, complimented the salad nicely.

Wendy's full salad ~ 12 pts+

Bridgette's salad ~ 8  pts + (including 85g spinach, 1 c strawberries and blackberries, 4 oz grilled chicken, 14g chopped almonds, and 2 Tbs dressing)

Friday, June 28, 2013

Grocery Run

Today three out of four kids and I got a little lot of shopping done. (It took us about three hours. We ate breakfast before we left and before we made it back home, we had to break open some LARABARS for a snack.)

While we didn't have to completely restock our kitchen, we were out of many things. This will be our biggest grocery outing for July and each week will pick up more fresh fruit and vegetables, meat, and staples that are low.

Here are pictures of some of what we got:

My favorite fruit is watermelon - hands down. I wish we could get one once a week, but we have at least two a month. Kroger had grapes on sale $0.99/lb, and it's about time! I didn't get any fresh vegetables this time except spinach. We eat spinach for breakfast, lunch, dinner and everything in between. We eat it raw in salads, on sandwiches, and in smoothies. We cook it with mushrooms, onion, and garlic to eat anytime of the day. With six people in our house, there' s no need to buy eggs by the dozen (unless of course the unit cost is less for a dozen than for this five dozen box). We eat Sara Lee 100% Whole Wheat Classic bread. I hope to soon start making some fresh loaves for us.

We purchased quite a bit of frozen vegetables. This way I don't have to worry about wasted vegetables. Those frozen greens are a first time purchase. I usually buy those fresh but this means I have to cook them within a day or two. Sometimes, I just don't feel like it. We love beans around here, too. One thing I have gotten used to is eating greens without cornbread. I don't know if I'll ever get used to eating my beans without cornbread though. As you can see, we LOVE cheese, and I use real butter. (Yes, I count the points for these things!)

We got some cereal, which I try to limit us to eating one time a week (a whole box at a time). We eat only brown rice and the kids love it. (Thanks to our rice cooker!) Tortilla chips and salsa make a good lunch when accompanied by cheese and fruit. We make our own snack mixes using pretzels, nuts, and candy. Earlier this month, I made a granola with almonds, walnuts, and sunflower seeds that the kids and I enjoyed making and eating. I really think nuts are a good snack.

When it comes to meat, I usually buy beef and chicken. This doesn't mean we don't eat pork though. Our pork is usually good 'ole bacon. To change things up I might get center cut pork loin chops. I buy ground beef and turkey that is 93% lean as pictured (except for those frozen turkey sausages above). When buying beef, I look for cuts that have no more than 8 grams of fat per 4-ounce portion (eye of round, top sirloin). Again, this is not always the case, but more so than not. Although I love chicken wings, I rarely buy them at the insane prices I find at the local stores. We stick to breasts, thighs, and drumsticks. We also love seafood; I usually pick up shrimp for lunches at least twice a month. Being from the south, other oddities find their way in our basket as well - turkey necks (fresh and smoked), pig tails (just the other week for my husband), pig feet, etc. I don't like buying things I can't count points for though.

Whew! This was a long post (at least it seemed that way to me as I typed a little here and read a bit from Slow is the New Fast.) Hopefully, I won't be making a grocery run until this time next week.

What foods do you find yourself buying time after time? Are you hesitant to try new things or do you simply like to stick with what works?

Thursday, June 27, 2013

C25K W9D1

Done! (6-26-13)

Running still doesn't come easy for me. I am looking forward to the day it does though. When we finished and were on our way home in the car I asked Fred, "What in the world made us want to do this - couch-to-five k . . . running?" I was so tired and sweaty and he had pushed me to go much faster during the last thirty seconds.

He replied, "We were tired of seeing the scale go up."


I was about to call it quits and throw in the towel. I was going to undo all the HARD work I'd done. Not! (maybe)

Even though Fred and I have attempted C25K in the past, this time we FINISHED it! All the while, we both shared a goal of finishing the program. Even though it took longer than eight weeks, we've kept at it. Not only have we made it a part of our lives, we are determined to keep going. (We completed the app this past Sunday, but wanted to another week of thirty minute runs to mimic some written C25K work-outs I've seen online. We also might redo C25K or move on to C210K.) We are looking to do a 5k in about seven weeks. 

Our non-scale victories this week are 1) completing the C25K app as written and 2) continuing with running after completing C25K. Yesterday, was our first non-prescribed run. I hope we never stop running!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Weight Watchers Weekly Weigh-in No.6

This week at my weekly meeting a loss of one and four tenths pounds was recorded. This brings me to a total loss of ten and four tenths pounds. I have done Weight Watchers in the past and have stopped for various reasons. I do hope I don't fall into a rut of not tracking. Not tracking means I won't lose. Even when I don't know the exact points for something, it's essential that I still write down what I have eaten. (Typing that last sentence reminded me of the fact that I miss ETools. I don't know how long I'll be without it.) Anyone who has done weight watchers for any length of time knows that it works. Like with anything else (such as getting in the Word daily or exercising regularly) one must have the right mental attitude. It's good to remind yourself often of why you're doing what you're doing.

Another 5lb star for me . . .

In other news . . .

Fred was down one and seven tenths pounds his FIRST weigh-in!! Now he has to concentrate on tracking, which he has absolutely no problem with as long as I'm the one tracking for him. (We'll see about that!)

Monday, June 24, 2013

Giving Thanks

After embarking on this journey for a healthy lifestyle, I find myself wondering about the future that GOD has planned for my temple (body). Only HE knows when I will accomplish the ultimate goal of complete physical fitness. Only HE knows why I am going through these difficult times of trying to get back into the physical shape that I once acquired. GOD has always known that I would take what HE gave me (my temple) and do harm to it. It has always been HIS plan to give me leeway, allowing me to do as I as desired. Only by HIS will have I been given a chance to redeem myself and leave behind the ignorance of thinking that I did not have to acknowledge the GOODNESS of GOD.

GOD has been so good to me in my life, and I acknowledge HIM more today than ever. I now know that the LORD has allowed what has been my life's journey for one reason and one reason only, and that is to see that HE is Sovereign and MIGHTY and that I will never successfully make it through any challenges without HIM being present in my life. One way that the LORD has been good to me is by placing in my life at the right time a GOD fearing young lady who I am proud to call my wife. If HE had not given me Bridgette only HE knows where I would be at this very moment.

Bridgette says that since we have started this journey toward a healthy lifestyle I have been an inspiration to her because I push her to achieve goals during our C25K program. However, I want to say that she has been an inspiration to me since we first began to court. The Lord knows that without his gift, my wife, none of this would be possible for me. I promised her that I will be responsible for our future in all ways with an emphasis on health. I told her that even when she doesn't feel like going out to walk/run,  she would for the sake of my promise to her. She believed at the time that I was doing it for the both of us, but I was only doing it for her. As time has gone by I have found myself enjoying the challenges that we are facing because we are facing them together. I thank her deeply for being my motivation for getting up off the couch to stop wasting time when we could have and should have been doing this all along.

I give HIGH PRAISES to GOD for giving me GRACE and MERCY during all of my hardships and also for giving me my BABY. Thank you and HALLELUJAH!

C25K W8D3

Looking back, I never would have thought I would be able to run 30 minutes without stopping. Though I don't know if I could run an entire 5K without stopping, I can honestly say that I know it is a possibility and not an impossibility. (God did that for me!)

Yesterday, Fred and I completed the last workout of our C25K app by Zen Labs; however,  we are going to do one more week of 30 minute runs before we claim to be official C25K graduates. I almost didn't want to get off the couch, but I did. I am so proud of us!

I generally let Fred set the pace for us and I just follow him. I noticed we were going faster than normal because of my breathing. (He said he couldn't feel a difference.) After he slowed it down a bit, I was able to feel more comfortable. Still, I had to engage in a lot of self talk because I felt I wanted to quit - tired, need to pee. However, one of the reasons I run is to be a healthy example for our kids. And since they were actually at the track with us, I COULDN'T quit. Talk about motivation! I don't ever want my kids to have to lose weight or get active. I want them, as kids, to grow into healthy, active lifestyles that they never outgrow as adults.

It's amazing how much of a mental exercise running is. These past eight weeks (more like twelve - many days off, a couple of repeats) have taught me that our bodies can endure sore, heavy legs, cramping, gassy stomachs, sore feet, heavy arms, dry lips, dripping sweat, boosts in speed, and other distractions - only if we get our minds to think it. I can remember during a past attempt at C25K, Fred and I were attempting the first twenty minute run of week 5. We went to the same track we went to yesterday, and I remember quitting and giving up telling Fred to go on without me. I've surpassed that milestone. What I know today is, I could have completed that run a year ago (or however long ago it was) if I didn't give in to the belief that I didn't have the ability to finish.

Today, I am not a quitter. No matter how slow I have to go, no matter if I finish last. If I start, I'll finish.

Both pictures are from Women's Runing facebook page.

Friday, June 21, 2013

C25K W8D2

Whew! I made it.

It's not that I doubt myself, I just sometimes have to see it to believe it. Before each run I am a bit eager, looking forward to crossing new hurdles. At the start of of each run, I just go. . . not knowing what the next couple of yards will mean for me, hoping that I can finish the prescribed workout. I've learned in the last couple of months or so that some runs will be invigorating, some will be fun, some will be HARD.

I started off feeling great today and spent the first half mile praying for the marriages of a couple of my friends because although marriage can be hard, marriage is GOOD. After that, I can remember thanking God for a strong husband. Here's why:

While I've never had too much of a problem with being active, I've never really played any sport formally. And I've never been a runner (though secretly I've always wanted to). Running is hard for me. I don't know if I have exercise induced asthma, but I've had difficulty with my breathing from the start. Now, I no longer have the sensation of burning lungs, but I still breathe rather hard. By mile one today, I was praying for God to give me the strength to endure. By mile one and a half I was a yard or so behind Fred. When I find myself more than a few feet behind him (which is often), I remind myself of how far I've come and that I don't want to quit. I match his steps - right, left, right, left - concentrating on anything other than my own tired body. He looks like the run is a breeze to him, but he always says it's not.

I am a quitter though. If I didn't go with Fred everyday, I know I'd stop as soon as I felt tired. With strength training, it's different: I'll keep going, pushing through 'til the end even if I workout solo. With this C25K, I wish I could tie a rope to Fred and myself so he could pull me. I know I'm making progress though no matter how slow I am. And Fred will not let me quit. Today he said, "You need to pick it baby," and I sped up. If I tell myself to speed up, I just might slow down! It never fails though when he announces, "One minute left," I dig deep and speed up to try and pass him. Sometimes I catch up; sometimes I keep going after he's stopped so I can make it to where he stopped or to a point past where he stopped. Other times I can only say, "Thank you, Jesus!"

I usually end my run with a "Hallelujah," because I know there's no way I made it x amount of minutes without stopping except by the grace of God. Yes, I contribute my success to God. It definitely isn't me by myself. I'm looking forward to my last week so I can say "By the grace of God, I made it!"

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7 (KJV)

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.
2 Timothy 1:7 (NLT)

Thursday, June 20, 2013

I sure miss my heart rate monitor!

Now that I've gotten back into exercising regularly and can jog at least twenty five minutes, I sure would like the motivation of looking down to see how many calories I've burned. Also, I could use it to help me determine my activity points for Weight Watchers. Today I did some strength exercise and some Wii sports with the kids.

I think I lost my watch at my sister's but she hasn't seen it (though on a recent visit I found some keys that I'd been missing over a year!). Fred offered to let me use his, but he likes looking at his too. This was my second Polar. I lost the strap to the first one (an older model) in Orlando one year. Now, I have a chest strap that works and the old watch that doesn't (even though I had gotten them to pair).

Perhaps someone could get me this:

With this Garmin, I could see my heart rate and pace. I think seeing my pace could help to push me further. In the past when I've exercised with my Polar, I knew I could push myself longer or harder if my heart rate wasn't too high. Sometimes, I just had a calorie burned goal in mind. Well . . . my birthday is approaching! And I never mind getting gifts EARLY. It's really cute!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

One Great Snack

I tried these for the first time about a month or so ago, and I (and the kids) love them. I'm not sure if Fred has even tried them. When I saw them for the first time at Kroger they were on sale, and I got one to try along with a Kind Plus bar. I was looking for a filling snack that was minimally processed (LARABAR) with a minimal amount of sugar (Kind bar).

I prefer the taste of the LARABAR; plus, the ingredients are something anyone might have in their kitchen. The ones I've tried have only three to five ingredients! I can't wait to figure out a way to make some. A suprising fact is that I've never eaten dates before, and dates are the first ingredient in many of the bars.

So far I've tried and like Peanut Butter Cookie, Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip, and the Banana Foster uber bar (lots of nuts!). The kids also like the Apple Pie - it's okay, but I don't even like real apple pie. Our Kroger doesn't have a large assortment of the one's that are in five-count boxes, which is what I get as they are CHEAPER. I haven't seen these at Wal-Mart yet. I really would like to try the Pecan Pie I saw on their site.

During a recent trip to Kroger I had put a box in my cart and the manager of the produce department saw them and pointed me towards some mini ones that were FREE. Really I would have gotten all of them, but I didn't want to run out. She told me, "Go ahead . . . get about a dozen of them." Boy was I glad. The regular size bars (6pts+) were for me anyway, but the kids could get the free ones (2pts+).

Mini Bar - 2pts+
These cost more than candy bars, but I think they are worth the cost. We'll continue to get these until I can make them!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

We are free to run!

Learning to seek and live out God’s will has had the greatest impact on our lives ever -  as husband and wife, as parents, as individuals.

Our blog title might lead you to belive that we are runners. In fact, we are runners in training having not even completed our first race. Nonetheless, our journey is not in vain. Yes, we are physically running (or jogging) for our health. Greater still, we are running in a race commissioned by Christ that we hope will have a lasting impact on someone else’s spiritual and physical health in addition to our own.

A song we have grown to enjoy listening to is “I Am Free.” Part of the chorus says “I am free to run/ I am free to dance/ I am free to live for you.” This song is the source of our blog title.

Once we learned to stop living for self, stop living in the moment, stop living for fleeting moments of pleasure the chains that once held us in bondage no longer render us immobile. In Christ we are free!

Together we take this opportunity to free ourselves from the extra weight that has also left us stationary for quite some time.