Sunday, November 24, 2013

We are INSANE!

This morning we completed day one of week two of INSANITY! The program really pushes us, but it's not so extreme that it can't be done. It's just fast-paced cardio with short, strategically placed rest breaks. We both agree that if we hadn't built or cardiovascular endurance with consistent running in the months prior, we would likely be pretty wiped out during the workouts. After the first workout, we knew what to expect and . could hang. Of course we don't look like the INSANITY workout crew - we do get tired and we have to build up to higher, faster everything. Still, we aren't discouraged, we pace ourselves, we know when to modify, and we know to never give up.

I am reluctant to take a break from running, but we want to know for sure how we benefited from INSANITY. I do believe we might go for a short two to four mile run on Thanksgiving Day. I am so grateful for the growth God has allowed in our lives, and I want to show my thanks by running - not stuffing my body with food.

The workouts we complete in rotation are below. Every two weeks, we complete a fit test. Other days, we rotate through discs two through five. The other discs will be used during month two. Each week we are to workout six days and rest one day.

Recap of Week 1

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