Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Picking Myself Up

I likely won't lose any weight this week due to my eating. However, I have been tracking every bite, lick, and taste. I've already used my weeklies up, and it's just my fourth day of the week. 

Oh,  XXL nachos from Taco Bell, why did I have to be introduced to you? Oh, well . . .

I'm just glad to be back tracking. I'll work on staying within my points next week. Then I'll work on eating more Simply Filling Foods. Simply Filling led me to this problem, but it's my fault. I stopped tracking with paper and pencil because I was eating only SF. But then I'd have something not SF and not account for it. What a slippery slope. Eventually I was eating whatever and not tracking at all. 

This time I'm tracking no matter what. (At least I hope so!)

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